
The OPUS publishing platform was initiated in the framework of the Initiative of Excellence (IdEx) ANR-18-IDEX-0001, IdEx Université Paris Cité.


Comité pour la Science ouverte
The Committee for Open Science contributes to the implementation of the national Open Science policy. The Committee manages the National Fund for Open Science, which aims to "financially support projects and initiatives contributing to the development of open science". The PAYS project led by Université Paris Cité was awarded a grant under the 2nd call for projects of this fund (2021).


Fédération Internationale des Jeunes Neurologues Francophones
The International Federation of Young French-speaking Neurologists (FIJNF) is an association that brings together, at a worldwide scale, several hundred young neurologists sharing a common language. The federation, which was founded in 2020, has members in some twenty countries: Algeria, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Djibouti, France, Guinea, Haiti, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, DRC, Senegal, Switzerland, Chad and Tunisia. The FIJNF and Université Paris Cité have joined forces to create the journal Emerging Neurologist.


Repères is a network of open access scientific journal platforms that federates 16 scientific journal platforms in France and Belgium. It provides emerging editorial platforms with concrete solutions, by fostering the sharing of skills and by pooling projects (publications hosting, training, indexing, structuring metadata, interoperability, editorial support and transition to open access). The OPUS platform is a member of the network.


The Public Knowledge Project is the organization that develops, maintains, and makes available the two central tools of the OPUS platform infrastructure: Open Journal System and Open Monograph Press. It is a North American not-for-profit initiative, launched in 1998. PKP emphasizes the importance of making publicly-funded research results freely available, using open policies and softwares.


Métopes is a French research infrastructure run by the Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines de Caen. The tools Métopes has developed generate the pivotal TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) structured format, from which the JATS and HTML formats are extracted.


CrossRef is an international not-for-profit organization that works to optimize scientific communication using open identifiers, repositories and metadata. The OPUS platform relies on CrossRef to assign DOIs (Digital Object Indentifiers) to each publication.