
The OPUS platform offers the scientific community a range of services covering the entire editorial chain, from manuscript submission to open access publication, including abstracting and indexing.

The academic journals published may cover disciplines in the sciences and health, as well as the humanities and social sciences.

All articles published on the OPUS portal must be peer-reviewed prior to publication.

OPUS can create and publish a new journal, or take part to the editorial workflow of an existing journal.

In compliance with the diamond open access model (no costs for readers or authors), project sponsors will be asked to contribute to the platform's operating costs.

The journals application form shall be filled to describe the project.

Project selection

Each journal, book or collection project submitted to Opus is evaluated by the Opus editorial committee.

After an initial editorial and technical check by the editorial office, the members of the editorial committee select the projects:

  • ensuring the relevance of their publication in the Opus portal, and in particular :
    • their reach in terms of readership,
    • their compliance with the criteria for editorial content defined by the National Committee for Open Science,
    • their economic sustainability in relation to the resources required to support them;
  • by consulting expert evaluators, who will be able to comment on the project as a whole.

For all inquiries, please write to opus.dbm(at)u-paris(dot)fr