
OPUS can handle the production and publication of various types of books: teaching manuals, monographs, collective works, symposium proceedings, critical editions.

Proposing a book, a work or a collection

Calls for expressions of interest are organized every year. Forms for proposing a collection project or a manuscript are distributed on this occasion.

In the case of a manuscript proposal, a first draft must be provided at this stage.

Download instructions to authors for preparing books and works (in French)

Projects selection

Each book or collection project submitted to Opus is examined by its editorial committee.

After an editorial and technical check by the editorial office, the members of the editorial committee select the projects:

  • by ensuring that they are suitable for publication in the Opus portal, and in particular :
    • their reach in terms of readership,
    • their compliance with the criteria for editorial content defined by the National Committee for Open Science,
    • their economic sustainability in relation to the resources required to support them;
  • by consulting expert evaluators, who can comment on the project as a whole.

Should a project be selected by the OPUS editorial board at this stage, a peer review of the manuscript is then organised.


For all inquiries, please write to opus.dbm(at)u-paris(dot)fr