Open archives

The Law for a Digital Republic (Law no. 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016) allows journal articles to be deposited by their authors in open archives (article 30,

OPUS invites authors to release in open archives successive versions of their books, book chapters or articles published on the platform; and in particular after evaluation, and without embargo period, the final version processed in edition and published by OPUS, as permitted by the Creative Commons license that applies to it.

This deposit in parallel with publication in OPUS ensures compliance with ANR recommendations (Faire entrer la science ouverte dans son projet ANR : un guide pratique,

HAL Université Paris Cité ( is the university's open archive. To date, it includes 108,000 bibliographic references and 75,000 full-text documents; some fifty of the university's laboratories offer a specific collection in HAL.